Avatar video panel
An asset that can show the video player texture on a portable panel.
This asset only works with certain video players, like ProTV 3.0, or basically any video player that can save the video frame in the global shader variable _Udon_VideoTex. It is a relatively new feature that isn't implemented on all video players yet, so this feature will likely not work in older worlds that don't get updated anymore.
You can test that panel on this avatar https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_0857136e-044b-462a-b2ca-824806e6e0d1, In the expression menu Extra > Video player.
World used in the cover : "Stabby cinema" by Miss Stabby https://vrchat.com/home/world/wrld_f25c3ba1-6c18-4e81-9617-6239e3dd11a1, feel free testing that feature in that world !
Key features
- 2 types : Holographic and Standard
- Customizable shaders made with the Amplify Shader Editor
- Droppable and scalable
- Can be attached to any bone.
- Install VRCFury via VCC https://vrcfury.com/download, I was using version 1.835. This is required to merge the animator with the FX animator.
- Place the "OpaqueScreen" or the "HoloScreen" prefab in your armature, you can choose whichever bone you like, for instance your arm, or your hand. I just wouldn't recommend placing it as a child of your head bone, since this would hide the panel (Except if you use the VRChat headchop component)
The "HoloScreen" prefab has a holographic shader, it is semi transparent. The regular "HoloScreen" prefab is opaque and has additional customization options.
You can:
- Make the avatar that uses this asset public.
- Use it in commissions; there's no commercial license.
- Redistribute or share the asset, but I would still prefer if you link to the Gumroad page instead.
You cannot:
- Sell parts of this asset, even if the asset is modified. Do not sell customization of this asset.
- Ask for a refund if you decided to pay for this asset.
The custom shaders are licensed under the MIT license, so the rules above do not apply to the shaders.
If your avatar uses this asset, you don't need to credit me.
Credits & Contact
Made by MyroP
For questions, feel free to contact me on Discord (myrop), you can also contact me on Twitter in the DMs (@MyroDev) or join my Discord server (http://discord.gg/kBQWu2jzcb)
Unity package